Oh Hello, New Camera!

My birthday present came a little early this year... if you follow me on Twitter, you know that David and I finally purchased a new camera over the Labor Day weekend! We have shopped for this little guy for almost a year now, so we're pretty happy with our decision.

Luckily, most every camera available today is an upgrade from our old camera-  I was working with the Canon PowerShot Elf David purchased back in 2005. Not exactly star photography material!

And nowwwww, I am thrilled (and so blessed!) to say that I'm the proud new owner of a Canon Rebel T3i. It's a DSLR camera. Not gonna lie... I really don't even know what DSLR means, much less do I know how to use it! I'm not exactly the best at technology (surprising for a blogger, I know!). Sooo this is where you guys come in- do you have any tips/hints/tutorials for this camera or DSLR cameras in general? Please share! I definitely need the advice : )

Just for a fun comparison, I thought I'd walk around the house and snap a few pictures with both cameras from the same angle. Keep in mind that I took these on a rainy early evening, so the lighting is a little dark. But I didn't edit either version of the picture (both cameras were set in a simple, no flash mode) just for an idea of the difference between the raw images.

The wreath in my office.

A view of our breakfast room.

A close up of the garden wall in my kitchen.

My little Tucker guy laying on the floor.

{Side note: Please tell me your dogs just pass out on the floor like this?!}

Maggie laying in the living room.

(Please tell me someone else has seen this video?!)

So expect lots of fabulous new high-quality pics over here on Ten June!!
Assuming I can figure out how to work the thing... ; )

I'm so happy to have the new camera (thanks to the world's BEST husband!) and I can't wait to actually learn how to use it. Oh and while we're on the subject of dog pictures, 
I already have a favorite picture from my new camera....

Do you have any DSLR advice for me? Please share!!


  1. Awesome! That camera will change your world!

  2. 1- our dog passes out wherever he wants to!
    2- try the for dummies series - no joke. they have a version for each specific dslr camera model and it takes you through where all the buttons/controls are. very helpful!

  3. Isn't it amazing the difference? I just got my new toy (Canon EOS 60D)in time for Kate's senior volleyball season and I am having so much fun with it. It is amazing!!! It will stop a ball in mid-air! No more blurry action shots. And it takes video too. No more lugging both cameras around. Have fun!!

  4. That is so neat! Yes maam I have seen that video--haha. So exciting about your new camera! Yayay! I recently got similar camera and I actually read the manual. I am generally not a manual reader--haha--okay never..but it did help!! A great camera does take pics to a whole new level--Have fun!!

  5. How fun! I'd love to get a new camera in the future as you really do notice a huge difference in quality (as evidenced in your photos). I'll be interested to see what tips you pick-up as I'll need all I can get. If I do get one, I'd look into taking a class locally to learn some new tricks. Could you check out any classes in your area?

  6. Wow! What a difference! I'm using an old point and shoot and it gets the job done, but I look around and everyone has prettier pictures than me, haha. I don't know anything about DSLR cameras either, but it sure would be cool to have one!

  7. I just got one a few months ago. I still don't know much about shutter speed and aperture, but one easy trick that I found out is... change the ISO for dark vs light pictures. The brighter the room the lower the ISO. For darker rooms, go higher. Standard is around 600 or 800, but for dark rooms, I'll take it up to 1600 or 3200 (for super dark rooms). Its amazing how many times that little trick as helped me.

  8. Taking an on-line class really helped me learn some basics, but I still have trouble shooting in manual in low light. I'd like to learn more. Have fun with your new toy.

  9. How exciting!! It's amazing the difference between a point and shoot and a DSLR. I've been wanting one for a long time, but gotta wait until it works out with the budget. :) Looking forward to seeing your great photos on here soon! Xo, Katie

  10. Hurray!! T bought me a Nikon dslr (digital single lens reflex) for Christmas. I don't think I ever announced it on the blog, but I started getting comments from readers who liked my photos. The Sony point and shoot I had before was a nice camera, but the dslr just seems to pick up the details so nicely!

    I still shoot mostly in Auto, but I've read some tutorials online (if you see my Pinterest profile, I have a whole board for photography!) that have helped me.

    I also bought an awesome "For Dummies" book. They make one for just about every model of Nikon dslr...very detailed. I'll bet they have one for Canon too! One of these days, I'll spend some real time studying it!

  11. yay!!! my husband just bought me the same camera last week for my birthday. I bought the "dummies" book, but am taking pictures, trying to teach my self something new everyday!! I am also doing a 30 day photo challenge to make myself take pics...good luck! Please pass along any good info you get!

  12. I have no camera advice...I have a cheeseball Kodak, but rely heavily on editing. Congrats on your early bday awesomeness!

  13. Nicole Hill has a great online class that will teach you the basics of shooting manuel (that is your ultimate goal with an slr). I highly recommend it. I took it last year and it changed the way I use my camera.

    Here is the link:


    Hope this helps!

  14. How exciting, Michelle! There are so many great tutorials to help you get started....CG has tons of info from various bloggers and I like this one too:

    The best tip I learned since blogging is to turn the flash off inside. What a difference that alone makes.

    I went the other way - my beloved 9 year old DSLR bit the dust and I am using a point-and-shoot until I can replace it - torture!! Have fun and look forward to seeing your fabulous photography!

  15. Wow! I love the side-by-side comparisons. I've been amazed at the difference since I got my Nikon, just one auto no flash. I'm sure it will be better if I ever decide to learn to use it. But for now, I'm happy. Enjoy your new toy!

  16. So very exciting!!! I just got that camera for my birthday in early August from my wonderful husband, and I've already had so much fun playing with it....although I really have no clue what I'm doing either! I have a lot to learn too!!! Great post! Definitely going to be reading all of the tips and comments you get back in hopes I can learn too! Thanks!!

  17. Oh yay!! Love the new camera...I want a new one too! That make SUCH a big difference! Congrats!!

  18. How exciting! I'm DYING to get one too!

  19. Have fun Michelle! I bought my T1i a little over a year ago & am finally getting pretty comfortable with it. I know how to move my dials around on Manual, but can't tell you the "whys" behind it. I still dont' know automatically what to do, just how to move things to get the pics to look the way I want them too. Just practice a LOT until it starts to feel good to you. I'm still not where I want to be, but after a year my pics are looking pretty good. I do have a better lens than the kit lens and that is a big part of it too.

  20. Yayy!! So happy you got one (: Aren't they amazing? Learning how to shoot on manual is a must girl! And we have the same camera (: yours is just newer of course!

  21. Congrats on the new camera, but we all know that Tucker stole the show on this post.

    That boy is SO HANDSOME.

  22. I just got the Canon Rebel t1i for my bday this past weekend. I am having fun playing around with it. Just last night I was talking with my friend who is a photographer and she said that a great book to read is called "Understanding Exposure". She also told me that I should try to not shoot in auto. The goal is to really take full advantage of the camera and shoot in manual.

  23. so much better! I'm hoping I will get mine by Christmas :)

  24. I'm starting to have camera envy! I love my little nikon coolpix. It goes everywhere with me. But I might need a grown up DSLR soon. The difference in your photos is amazing!

  25. welcome to the big leagues, my dear! all of us from the cheap seats with our phone cameras salute you!! :)

  26. WOW completely amazing...you're going to LOVE the new camera!

  27. Congrats! I also recently purchased a DSLR after researching for-ev-er. (I went with teh Nikon D3100) Check out Pinterest for help. I have found SOOO many helpful blog posts and websites that have helped me immensely. http://pinterest.com/chelsylee/
    I have a whole board dedicated to "camera help"
    Wait till you see the difference in pics when you really know all the settings! It's AMAZING! :)

    Good luck!

  28. How exciting! I love my DSLR. Soon you'll be looking at new lens and all the other amazing things that come with the flexibility of the camera!

  29. yay! you are going to LOVE your's...mine's the older version and im super jealous!

  30. So fun!! Im dying to get a new camera...and even more now seeing your side by side photos.

    And yes, my hound lays like that all the time...especially if he's hot.

  31. I've used a Canon Rebel for about three years now and LOVE it! Depending on where you are in Atlanta, I'd recommend Showcase Photography -
    http://www.theshowcaseschool.com/. I tried to mess around with my camera on my own for a few months before I finally signed up for their beginner class, and it was a great decision!

  32. http://my3boybarians.com/31-days-series/

    Great photography series by Darcy. I'm working my way through It right now (a year late) so I'm ready for her new photography tips series this October.

    Check out my last post and see my photo progress. http://lovelylittlelaughter.blogspot.com/2011/09/week-2-31-days-to-better-photo.html

  33. Ooh I just got the same camera and LOVE it. I've read about half of the manual (must get back to it!). Most of the time I shoot in av mode (it makes the subject stand out and the background blurrrier) unless my daughter is jumping or running, then I shoot in tv (shutter priority mode). I don't use flash 99% of the time. In the main menu I chose to set my max iso at 3200, though the camera will shoot higher, I don't care for the extra grain. I use my camera at least a couple times a week and try to critique my pictures so I can improve. I also subscribe to digital photography school's free email list. They have great tips and assignments. :)


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